

Glenn Albrecht is an senior lecturer in the School of Geosciences at the University of Newcastle, Australia. He has a PhD in philosophy, teaches in the domain of environmental studies and offers subjects on environmental ethics and values, sustainability, environmental history and environmental politics. He has published internationally in the field of social ecology and has a particular interest in dialectical and organicist theoretical traditions. He has explored the affinities between these traditions and complexity theory in a number of different contexts including social ecology and transdisciplinary approaches to health issues.

Steven Best is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Texas at El Paso. With Douglas Kellner, he is author of  Postmodern Theory: Critical Interrogations, The Postmodern Turn, and The Postmodern Adventure (all with Douglas Kellner), as well as The Politics of Historical Vision.

Giancarlo Corsi is researcher at the University of Lecce (Italy). He studied political sciences in Bologna and obtained a doctorate in sociology in Bielefeld (Germany). Recent publications include: Ridescrivere la Questione Meridionale (Pensa 1998), with Raffaele De Giorgi; ‘Ein Symbol für eine unbekannte Zukunft‘, in: Theodor Bardmann, Dirk Baecker (Eds), „Gibt es eigentlich den Berliner Zoo noch?“ Erinnerungen an Niklas Luhmann (UVK Konstanz, 1999); ‚Zwischen Irritation und Indifferenz: Systemtheoretischen Anregungen für die Pädagogik‘, in: Henk De Berg, Johannes Schmidt (Eds), Rezeption und Reflexion. Zur Resonanz der Systemtheorie Niklas Luhmanns ausserhalb der Soziologie (Suhrkamp, 2000).

Takis Fotopoulos is  a writer and the editor of Democracy and Nature; he is also a columnist for the Athens Daily Eleftherotypia. He was previously (1969-1989) Senior Lecturer in Economics at the University of North London. He is the author of Towards An Inclusive Democracy--The Crisis of the Growth Economy and the Need for a New Liberatory Project  (London & New York: Cassell, 1997) which was also published in Italian  and Greek and is planned to be published soon in German, Spanish and French. He is also the author of the following books (in Greek): Dependent Development: The Case of Greece;  The Gulf War: The First Battle in the North-South Conflict; The Neo-Liberal Consensus and the Crisis of the Growth Economy; The New World Order and Greece; Drugs: beyond the demonology of penalisation and the ‘progressive’ mythology of liberalisation; The New Order in the Balkans; Religion, Autonomy and Democracy; From the Athenian Democracy to Inclusive Democracy. He has also made contributions  in French, German, Dutch and Norwegian publications

Arran Gare is Senior Lecturer in Philosophy and Cultural Inquiry, Swinburne University, Australia. His research focusses on the problem of  understanding and creating the cultural conditions for a radical transformation of society. He has published Nihilism Incorporated: European Civilization and Environmental Destruction; Beyond European Civilization: Marxism, Process Philosophy and the Environment; Postmodernism and the Environmental Crisis and Nihilism Inc.: Environmental Destruction and the Metaphysics of Sustainability. With Robert Elliot he also edited the anthology Environmental Philosophy. He is the Director of the Joseph Needham Centre for Complex Processes Research and is a member of the International Advisory Board of Democracy and Nature.

Alexandros  Gezerlis  is  co-ordinator  of  the  editorial  assistants  of  Democracy  &  Nature and editor of the Greek journal Inclusive Democracy.  He  is  currently studying  Electrical  and  Computer  Engineering  at  the  National  Technical  University  of  Athens, while  his  main  research  interests  lie  in  the  field  of  theoretical  Physics.  He  is  a  political  activist  and  he  sporadically  writes  for  various  anarchist  journals  in  Greece.

Douglas Kellner is George Kneller Chair in the Philosophy of Education at UCLA. In addition to his writings with Steven Best, he is author of Critical Theory, Marxism, and Modernity; Jean Baudrillard: From Marxism to Postmodernism and Beyond; Television and the Crisis of Democracy, and The Persian Gulf TV War, Media Culture.

Alan Roberts was a senior lecturer in the Physics Department at Monash University (Melbourne) and is currently Honorary Research Associate in the Monash Graduate School of Environmental Science.  He has published in physics, theoretical ecology and objective literary analysis in e.g. Nature, Proceedings of the Physical Society, Solid State Physics C and F, Physics Letters, Physical Review, Comptes Rendus de l’Academie des Sciences, Bulletin of Mathematical Ecology, Oecologia, Ecology.  Also, articles on Science and Society in journals including Arena, Island, Blacksmith, National Times, Nation; Journal of Community Communications; l’Ecole Emancipé.  Books include The Self-managing Environment (Allison and Busby, London) and The Ecological Crisis of Consumerism (Spokesman Press, Nottingham).

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Alan Roberts was a senior lecturer in the Physics Department at Monash University (Melbourne) and is currently Honorary Research Associate in the Monash Graduate School of Environmental Science.  He has published in physics, theoretical ecology and objective literary analysis in e.g. Nature, Proceedings of the Physical Society, Solid State Physics C and F, Physics Letters, Physical Review, Comptes Rendus de l’Academie des Sciences, Bulletin of Mathematical Ecology, Oecologia, Ecology.  Also, articles on Science and Society in journals including Arena, Island, Blacksmith, National Times, Nation; Journal of Community Communications; l’Ecole Emancipé.  Books include The Self-managing Environment (Allison and Busby, London) and The Ecological Crisis of Consumerism (Spokesman Press, Nottingham).